What's the deal with gluten?!

With all the gluten hype, I've needed to remind myself why I avoid this vilified food complex.  

Am I caught up in the hype?  

Am I that easily influenced by marketing?  I then hear the little, big voice inside that reminds me of the headaches, bloating, acne and other unmentionable symptoms that arise when I eat something with gluten.

Gluten awareness is in fact not a fad, but a red flag that something is wrong or different with our food.

Many do chalk gluten free labeling/living/foods up to a passing trend, retorting,  "how could something my family has eaten for generations be bad?".  Others who have identified the culprit to feeling so incredibly awful, are so thankful to know they are not alone.  How wonderful it is that gluten free foods have become more readily available.

A bit about gluten:

  • Gluten is a protein complex. It is wheat, barley and spelt, millet, semolina, kamut and may be cross contaminated due to processing in rye and oats.

  • It may be added to dough to help bread rise in baking.

  • Wheat has been augmented through hybridization to contain 90 percent more gluten than that of our grandparents generation.

  • We are over exposed to gluten as it is in most processed foods.

  • Many have underlying digestive issues that contribute to gluten sensitivity.

  • We are a "sicker" society due to air pollution, chemical and heavy metal toxicity stress and junk food, contributing to an inability to handle more burden on the body from food allergies.

  • Gluten is added to far more foods as a thickening/binding agent than ever before

  • Symptoms related to gluten sensitivity or intolerance include: digestive disorders, headaches/migraines, sinus troubles, diabetes, osteoporosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight management challenges, arthritis, MS and other auto immune conditions.

  • Gluten intolerance is essentially an allergy. Histamine is released when introduced in the body. Stomach cramps, skin eruptions, itching, swelling, hives, sneezing, vomiting or diarrhea may be experiences soon after.

  • Histamine is not produced in a gluten sensitivity. Symptoms may be experienced over time.

  • Celiac disease is an auto immune condition that is caused by foods with gluten. The standard for diagnosis is biopsy of the small intestine.

  • Good substitutes for foods with gluten are amaranth, quinoa, rice as a grain or milled into a flour. You can also try coconut or Jerusalem artichoke flour.

Why are people reacting to gluten?

You would wonder why people are so sensitive to gluten theses days.  The cause is linked to a few factors including, frequent exposure/ingestion, the modification and chemical treatment of foods that creates an allergic response and genetic risk factors.  

Let's face it, gluten is everywhere and as a society, we are consuming it in mass quantities.   

I strive to eat gluten free for myself and my family.  I also suggest it to my patients as I've seen many symptoms clear up with the elimination of it from the diet.  Now that you have some basic in's and out's, you make the call.  

Eggplant Stir Fry Recipe

Eggplant Stirfry

Eggplant Stirfry

This is a really quick and easy recipe that is a quick go-to.  It's low glycemic and delicious.  Enjoy!​


1/2 onion (red or sweet work well)

6 cloves garlic, minced

1/4- 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes (depending on desired level of heat from pepper)

1 eggplant, or 2 (thinner, with light purple skin) Japanese eggplant

1/4 cup water for stir-frying

2-3 Tbsp. coconut or canola oil for stir-frying

roughly 1/2 cup (or more) fresh basil

2 Tbsp. soy sauce (preferably wheat free) or Bragg's Liquid Amino Acids

1 Tbsp. fish sauce OR vegetarian fish sauce or 2 Tbsp. oyster sauce OR vegetarian oyster sauce (available at larger

1 tsp. agave nectar


Chop the eggplant up into bite-size pieces (leave the peel on - this is where most of the nutrients are).  Place 2-3 Tbsp. oil to a wok or large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the onion, half of the garlic, red pepper flakes, and eggplant. Reserve the rest of the garlic for later. Stir-fry for 5 minutes. When the wok or frying pan becomes dry, add a little of the water (a few Tbsp. at a time) - enough to keep the ingredients frying nicely.

Add 2 Tbsp. soy sauce/Braggs and continue stir-frying for 5 more minutes, or until the eggplant is soft and the white flesh is almost translucent. Add a little more water when the pan becomes too dry (up to 1/4 cup). When the eggplant is soft, add the rest of the garlic, agave plus the fish/oyster sauce. Stir fry to incorporate.  Taste test the eggplant for salt. If not salty enough, add a little more fish/oyster sauce. If too salty, add 1 Tbsp. lime juice (or substitute 1 Tbsp. lemon juice).  Add 3/4 of the fresh basil.  Slide onto a serving platter and sprinkle the rest of the basil over top. Serve with jasmine (brown) rice if desred or great as a stand alone dish.  Enjoy.

Peace Be Still


What if we lived each moment of each day truly content knowing that all is well?

The job that was lost, the deal that didn’t close, the hardship that doesn’t seem to end, all designed for us to get us closer to relying and trusting divine order. Hardships tests our endurance and development muscles where we must grow and get stronger to over come obstacles. 

It’s never about the “what” of a situation but instead the “who” we become on the journey.

Trusting that we are where we are meant to be per our soul agreement with the divine is the spiritual act of surrender so essential for well being. We have the opportunity to grow deeper in our connection with Spirit, to expand our listening and hear more clearly our guidance. It takes practice and commitment to this act in effort to experience an enlightened life.

Stress would be no more, for we would rest in the fact that all things have been perfectly placed in our lives to give birth to greater character.

If we could live intimately entangled with spirit, we would understand in each moment that we are okay.

What a concept! Then... we would really live and breathe, upon wake and at the close of each day, that all is well.

Dr. Lisa's Regional Soft Tissue Release

Regional Soft Tissue Relief (RSTR), is a technique I developed that blends Chiropractic and Chinese Medicine soft tissue healing.

It is a therapeutic treatment aimed to restore full range of motion, release muscle “knots” and stiffness and relieve pain. Treatment tools may include Chinese Medicine style massage (Tui-Na), acupressure *cupping, *gua sha (a technique used to release fascia), and/or post isometric stretching.

RSTR is excellent for treatment of:

  • neck and low back pains

  • shoulder pain/stiffness

  • general joint stiffness

  • restricted range of motion of any joint

  • headaches

  • stress

  • scoliosis

  • carpal tunnel

  • numbness and tingling in hands or feet

Repetitive over use at work or while engaged in a hobby, injury or trauma can impact the soft tissues (ligaments, fascia, joints and muscles).

When a muscle or ligament experiences a strain, the body attempts to heal the injured site by depositing a fibrous “band-aid” over the area. Over time, this hard fibrous material can become pain sensitive, restrict range of motion and cause weakening of a muscle. Where one muscles is weak another has to compensate and work extra hard. It is best to prevent a chain reaction of compensation by addressing soft tissue injury as early as you can.


My food adventures with a colicky baby

I LOVE FOOD!  This is no secret to those who know me.  I love terrific restaurants, a dinner party with a foodie host and traveling to countries based on their cultural cuisine. 

Since giving birth and managing Gia’s colic, I have been reduced to eating a measly 7 food items. 

My husband and I used to have a hard time deciding between Indian, Ethiopian, Mexican and Mediterranean for a quick bite to eat while out.  When dining at home I would make fresh fish with a garlic infused, herb marinade, fried oysters, homemade pizzas and soups… all fresh, organic and yummy.  NOW, I eat various combinations of baked chicken, ground turkey, brown rice or quinoa, salmon, peas, okra, salad and oatmeal.  All seasoned with either salt, rosemary, celery salt or agave nectar- scarfed down in 10 minutes.  This a travesty for a self proclaimed chow hound.  All for my baby girl, it’s made a huge difference in her colic.  Oh how I miss food… ahhh, one day!

Does your soul sing

What are you doing in life if not working, living and breathing your passion? 

MANY today have sacrificed what makes them happy for what they were told they were supposed to do.  So 1950’s!  Today, we live in a time where 9 year olds are CEOs of multimillion dollar companies, information is as close as a key stroke and the sky is the limit when it comes to innovation.

With so much possibility in the world, what are you waiting for? 

Passion denotes a compelling feeling, enthusiasm or desire for something.  Generated in the 2nd Chakra, it is where ideas go through gestation to be delivered into the world. 

Let’s see if we can get you closer to figuring out your passion:

  • What recurring ideas for projects keep coming to you? 
  • What activities or topics really excite you? 
  • What could you not live without? 
  • What is your ideal life? 
  • If money were not an issue, what would you do for a living? 
  • What makes you happy and fulfilled? 
  • What could you do for work that would really be like a hobby? 
  • What talents do you have that you enjoy?

When you are in alignment with what excites you, joy transforms the life you knew into a life full of fulfillment.  Stay focused on purpose and passion and you will find yourself living your way into a renewed life.


The Real Deal…Double Whammy of Feminine


Today it dawned on me that I am doubly female.

  I am carrying my first baby, a baby girl at that.  I feel like a walking estrogen ball…oozing pink, estrogen and all things round and curvy.  What does this mean to be doubly female?  I can tell you that it feels like mother Earth personified.  The urge to nurture, nest, move with rhythm, dance in the waves and be round and powerful about sums it up.  There are so many new emotions, new thoughts, new perspectives.  My second Chakra is pulsating with this creative gift from above.  There is an urge to pause and just be… feminine!

Unexpected Blessings

We think we have it all figured out.

An plan of action for the game of life and how we will play it is in full effect.  For a moment, we may even feel ahead of the curve with our blueprint in tact.  It’s funny how we act so surprised when we get thrown a curve ball causing impromptu changes to the well thought out plan. 

As if LIFE did not get the memo.

We are in a time when so much of the unexpected and unprecedented is happening in the world.  So much about life is not what happens, but how one responds to it.  Take a look at a few pointers below that may help you see the blessings in the unpredicted.

1)     Reflect on a time that you can remember a grand disappointment and how it gave you new insight, awareness and the start of an awesome experience.

2)     Imagine if your life really did go according to the self authored “master plan”.  What bullet where you able to dodge by letting fate and the powers that be cause interference?

3)     May your best friends, partner, new job, new found hobby or renewed sense of self have come from a chance situation?  I bet you never saw that one coming.  What joy have they brought to your world?  Are you happy with the new you?

4)     Our life perspective is often so small when compared to the grand potential we have that we may be unable to see.  It’s a good thing we are challenged to evolve and give rise to the bigger and better version of self.

5)    Life is about miracles and we can’t plan those!