3 food documentaries that will change the way you look at food
/Okay, so I'm clearly totally into all things wellness and am all about high quality food. Though I get side eye all the time because I'm constantly raising awareness about toxins, GMOs and such, I don't mind sharing info to help folks make informed decisions about what they eat or how they live.
Understanding where your food comes from is so important. Like the saying goes, "you are what you eat, eats." You are also the environment that your food is cultivated in. When looking to food for nourishment we have to chose wisely.
Food quality is everything if you're concerned about your health and wellness. The food documentaries I review in this post are eye opening, intriguing and may change your food habits.
I review....
#1- What the Health!
A pro plant based film that lit the nation on fire. The premise is that animal protein is a direct link to chronic disease. Lots of folks were talking about it.
I don't fully agree with it. See why!
#2- Rotten
A 6 episode series that explores food legality and trading regulation to keep up supply and profit. Episodes cover 1) bees and honey; 2) peanuts; 3) garlic; 4) chickens; 5) milk and 6) cod. This one is so robust in info and provides lots of insight.
Check the video to see what I have to say about this one.
#3- Cooked.
One of my favorites. I love that it discusses the interconnectedness of the elements with food preparation. Cooking food is full of heart and soul and for generations cultures have mastered the use of particular elements to create the delectable food.
See what element I was most intrigued by.
Watch my video to see what I have to say about these Netflix documentaries.
Until next time...