5 musts for healthy digestion + your solar plexus power center
/Picture taken in Paris while dining on food out of the norm. I definitely needed some help digesting this. This was fun food as opposed to fuel food.
I’m going to be honest and call it like it is… October thru December (and in some cases January) are eating months.
Digestion is challenged this time of year. We tend to be more bloated and gain a few pounds. I personally try to add an extra workout day in the week to account for the extra eating that I know I’ll be doing. However, this doesn’t give me all the support I need to feel my best.
According to Dictionary.com, digestion is defined as “a person's capacity to break down food into substances that can be used by the body.”
That’s right, food is not just for pleasure but we actually do need food as fuel ;)
The digestion process can be thrown off by stress, foods that are hard to digest, illness and altered metabolism to name a few.
There are a few must have’s that I make sure are in play during the “eating months” to minimize bloating, weight gain and an upset tummy.
Here are my must have’s for digestion with ease:
A good digestive enzyme that helps to actually break down the food that enters the stomach. (👈🏾 Feel free to ask me about my
favorite digestive enzymes.)
Avoidance of drinking water or any beverages with eating as this dilutes the digestive juices.
No eating dessert close to meal (I try to wait an hour or two).
Include high fiber foods to ensure smooth and complete bowel movements.
A probiotic and/or fermented vegetables to keep the beneficial flora in the gut abundant and happy. (👈🏾 Feel free to ask me about my
favorite probiotics.)
Upper digestion takes place in the solar plexus power center.
This is where the bulk of digestion happens. The solar plexus energy center relates to personal power, self assuredness and will. During the holidays we are often around larger groups of people and family that may trigger our confidence. Food can be a huge source of comfort when feeling unsettled. Be careful not to over indulge for emotional reasons but to find peace of mind in other ways.
I’ll soon be releasing Digest Life, my online course that focuses on the in’s and out’s on digestion from a holistic wellness perspective. I use Chakras as an internal roadmap to navigate the mind-body-spirit relationship. I love how this system provides an easy check and balance system between life style, physical health, stressors and food.
If you’d like to be the FIRST I notify about Digest Life and my free digestion webinar, JOIN MY WAITING LIST.
Many blessings,
Dr. Lisa