How to use affirmations to shift your mind, body and spirit for healthy living
/CHECK OUT MY FACEBOOK LIVE VIDEO WHERE I SHARE ABOUT using affirmations for tension relief, positive uplift and overall wellbeing.
Using affirmations is such a powerful way to reduce tension and relax the body. If you find yourself harboring negative energy and it's effecting how you physically feel, check out my latest FB LIVE.
I first have to make sure we are all under the same understanding of the definition of an affirmation.
I like how authors, Louise Hay (the affirmation GURU and GOAT) and Kristina Tracy define affirmation in their book, I Think, I Am!
Affirmation: Words that you say or think and believe to be true
What do you think about that?
We’re not talking about alternative facts here. What’s important to recognize is that affirmations shift pessimism to optimism or negative to positive. An affirmation can lift tension felt in the body and bring a goal to fruition. Of course, work has to be done and it’s not as simple as just wishing but believing in the positive creates space for POSSIBILITY!
Use affirmations when...
-in need of positive uplift
-in need of change
-when the body is showing signs that what you have going on is wearing it down
I love coming up with my own affirmations but you can also find loads of options by visiting websites, Hay House or Louise Hay.
When I create my own affirmations, I start with thinking…
1) What’s the negative statement that keeps looping in my mind?
2) How am I feeling in my body?
3) Is the discomfort because I’m uptight about a particular situation?
4) What can I say that would reverse the negativity and provide ease?
For example: You might say, “I don’t have enough time” and causes tension in your head and neck.
You could affirm “I have plenty of time to get done exactly want needs to be done today.”
For example: You might feel worried about a family member or friend and it keeps you up at night. You could affirm, “My loved one is Divinely supported. I can rest knowing that I’ve done all I can.”
Remember, it’s about setting the intention and operating from the space of possibility. Give it a try.
I hope this has been helpful for you.
Many blessings….