4 essential factors to consider when battling low energy and fatigue

4 essential factors to consider when battling low energy and fatigue

I felt glued to the couch. My mind wanted me to move but my body wouldn't follow orders.  I laid down for what was supposed to be 10 minutes but fell asleep.  Upon waking, my limbs felt like heavy weights.  Exhaustion! But I hadn't really done anything to warrant that level of being bone tired. I just woke up.

Have you ever felt like this? Check out this post for 4 key factors to consider in battling low energy and fatigue.

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What you should know about probiotics

What you should know about probiotics

After years of repeat rounds of antibiotics I needed something to replinish the "good" bacteria in my system-- probiotics have been so helpful.  Incorporating raw sauerkraut and packaged probiotics into my wellness regimen has helped boost my digestive and immune health.

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