How gluten affects the body
/Gluten is a HOT topic in our community today. In this video I discuss, 1) where gluten comes from; 2) how it effects the body; 3) solutions for gluten free living.
Read MoreGluten is a HOT topic in our community today. In this video I discuss, 1) where gluten comes from; 2) how it effects the body; 3) solutions for gluten free living.
Read MoreGreen drinks are all the rave! Whether you've jumped on the band wagon or not, there is much to gain from this nutrient-packed health treat.
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You've been dreaming about that sweet mocha frappe all day.... or is it ice cream, a box of candy, a cookie, or a huge yogurt with ALL the toppings (and you know which toppings I’m talking about)?
Read MoreI was diagnosed with uterine fibroids at 22 years old and learned that the western community understands little about the condition.
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When I am craving a sweet home made snack, these delicious muffins are my go-to.
Read MoreWhether the heat is coming from the weather outside or your hormones have your temperature rising, cool off by enjoying foods that will bring down the heat.
One of the most common complaints I hear in my office is that it's hard to lose weight.
Read MoreHeal yourself naturally and avoid the harmful chemicals in many of our commercial cleaners...
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Please enjoy a few of my favorite shake recipes:
Chocolate Blueberry, Mixed Berry, Chocolate Almond Butter, Strawberry Banana, Pumpkin Spice and Vanilla Coconut...
Read MoreThe goal is to stock your kitchen with lots of green veggies, wonderful berries, citrus and other fruit, complex whole grains...
Read Moreset the world on fire
(original post for Sungoddess Magazine
This connection provides us with a network that when used to it’s fullest capacity can cause electric transformation and change. If you conceive of an idea born from guided inspiration that may be of great benefit to someone, chances are that that someone is waiting for your gift to be shared.
What we need to remember is that when we light a spark from heart led inspiration, it will ablaze. If you want to set this world on fire and be a positive, impactful force– you already have everything you need.
Do something you have never done before in a whole new way with the intention of feeding the world with the tools and gifts that only you have.
You may wonder, what is spirit inspired action?
A clue I can share is if you’ve been absent of any real passion, exuberant joy, or fulfillment then you likely have not been living life from a such a place. When you are making choices that are in alignment with your gifts, talents or that come from the heart AND you get an buzz doing them, it’s safe to say that you are in the right place.
You know you are out of alignment with heart led inspiration when you:
•hate waking up in the morning to go to work
•feel unfulfilled
•know that you are holding back
•have an idea for a project, business, movement that you can’t let go of
•no one else knows how magnificent you really are
•are frustrated because you are not living the life that you dream of and are capable of living
Here’s what you can do about it:
•Celebrate your uniqueness
•Get in the habit of sharing what makes your soul sing
•When great things happen for you remember to pay it forward
•Choose and commit to making a life change that will make you feel magnetic
•Create an affirmation for yourself that keeps you on track. For example, “Each day I create an opportunity to enhance my life and the lives of others”
•Trust your Intuition!
•Live your life for yourself not for your parents, friends, siblings, etc.
It does not take a grand master plan to make an impact– just the ability to let go.
It’s usually that thing that’s been shoved to the back of your mind; the idea that just won’t go away. When you move with meaningful action you are connected to the greater purpose and feeding a need. You know your spirit better than anyone else. If your soul is stirring you are in the right place.
Here’s to your spark!
How often do we shy away from being our authentically wonderful selves?
In the Chakra System, expression and communication relate to the 5th Chakra which occupies the space at the throat.
Holding back ideas because the timing doesn't seem right, being dishonest with yourself or others, not speakingyour truth and not taking time to really hear can block energy in this Chakra.
Who are you really being if you are fearful of expressing who YOU are.
There is only one you who possess gifts and talents to share with the world. You may be withholding precious information that can really benefit someone if you do not express yourself.
From a mind-body perspective, blocked 5th Chakra energy can manifest as a sore throat, thyroid imbalance and tense shoulders.
If you are not ready to speak your truth than at least start writing it out. The best remedy for fear is to dissolve the fear itself. Fear is just a perceived reality. Focus only on positive outcomes that can come from your expression. Speak from a place of authenticity and love. Speak what is so for you and remember the gift you have to offer from your expression.
I spent 5 years living in The Big Easy and every now and then I get a hankering for some good ol' Jamabalaya. I miss the creole flavor and satisfying layers in New Orleans food. When I want comfort food, this is my go to. The recipe I use is adapted from, I Love Trader Joe's Cookbook.
Heat both oils in a large pot or dutch oven and add onion, bell pepper and celery. Saute until fragrant. Add the green onions, garlic and jalapeno and saute for 3 minutes. Add red pepper flakes, thyme, oregano, cumin and salt and saute vegetables for about 5 minutes. Add sausage, chicken broth, wine and tomatoes and bring to a boil. Mix in rice and return to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Uncover and add in shrimp and chicken if desired. Cover and remove from heat to let stand for 10 minutes. Check to see that shrimp has turned pink and is cooked through. Recover if needed for finish shrimp. Enjoy with chopped green onions on top.
Low glycemic eating is a really simple way to keep your weight in check, achieve sustained energy, stabilize your blood sugar and keep inflammation down in the body.
Read this post for deets!
Read MoreIt must be a pleasurable experience if people keep coming back for more. Very fine needles which are virtually painless are inserted into acupuncture points. Signals are then sent to the brain for endorphin release, the stimulation of blood flow and the balance of the body’s vital energy called Qi (“chee”).
Qi is the vital energy of all things. It is what Chinese medicine seeks to manipulate to achieve health. When Yin and Yang are out of balance dis-ease results. Qi is manipulated by acupuncture, nutrition, tui na and meditation (to name a few) to reset the equilibrium. To restore proper flow of Qi, acupuncture works by inserting very fine needles into acupuncture points.
Acupuncture points are found on the acupuncture meridians (aka channels) that run like freeway systems on the body.
When there is a blockage in the channel it’s like there is a traffic accident on the freeway and transport can not happen effectively. Furthermore, Chinese herbs can also help to relieve blockage and imbalance and are often recommended in addition to acupuncture.
Hope this was helpful!
If there is a friend who needs to move, a party to plan, or committee to chair, this person can’t help but raise a hand and say, "I'll do it!" Meanwhile, the things-to-do list mounts. But what happens to the life of the person who is everything to everyone?
Read MoreYou absolutely have to go there. You have to believe that miracles can happen, that the outrageous dream you have is possible, that the impossible really does just mean i’m-possible.
Believe with the innocence of a child who knows that all things are possible because they could not fathom anything otherwise.
Don't be the cynical adult with your vision-- let your imaginative juices out to play and say, what if? What if you really can do it, be it, have it, know it?
You deserve every ounce of creative freedom when it comes to the fulfillment of your desires.
There's a lot to be said for seeing something in the minds eye then allowing it to manifest.
Athletes do it, they see they're race or game performed at a record pace in order to invite the possibility of winning in. We have to get in the same practice for our lives.
The 2nd (sacral) and 6th (third eye) Chakras are key for this. Creativity is born in the sacral chakra. This is where you give birth to an exciting idea and allow it to bloom. At the third eye, start to see and sense what it would feel like for your impossible idea to come to fruition.
Let creativity meet imagination and watch the once small thought grow into an exciting and grand project.
Don't let any thing limit the process. When you allow the impossible the sky is the limit.
Enjoy the deliciousness!
(Originally posted at
The amazing thing about life is that we always have the opportunity to see a new day.
What happened yesterday has no bearing on what will happen in the present.
The only thing we bring with us as we travel forward through time our story about who we are or who we were told we were supposed to be.
We often hang on to other’s definition of who we are stemming from childhood or teenage years.
This characterization, while so out dated is familiar and we may wear it like a badge. We cling to what we know even if it does not serve us.
The challenge is to rewrite our story.
What happened in the past is the past. So, who are you now? What new foundation can you lay so that you move forward with security and safety?
Paint where you have come from in a positive light.
Challenges have only made you stronger and more appreciate of what others take for granted.
Highlight good times and moments you have felt all your needs being met. Feel where you want to go and know that you have support. Breathe in a fresh new perspective and move into your future feeling blessed with strength and resilience.
(Original post for
Despite a recent report from a Stanford study noting that non-organic/conventional produce has the same nutritional value as organic, I am confident that the less exposure to toxic pesticides the better.
There were many flaws with the study that should prompt shoppers to reconsider organic if they left the concept in the dust. Furthermore, when it comes to fruits and vegetables that are “sprayed” (with inorganic pesticides) the health impact of the chemicals used warrants further evaluation.
Most pesticides are of a type called organophosphates. No need to remember that name but important to know that these pesticides are toxic to the nervous system.
One would wonder how such a harmful chemical would be allowed to come close to our food supply at all. To avoid going on a total tangent, let’s remember that it all comes down to the bottom line- money.
Potent pesticides means that less pests will harm crops of produce. Therefore, there is more product to sell.
Numerous studies have shown a consistent link between organophosphates and ADHD.
This presence is even documented as having a tie with low birth weight in babies and a lower IQ in children.
There have also been numerous additional nervous system disorders or challenges linked to long-term exposure.
Eating an organic-based diet may be an option in addressing these issues since it would eliminate ingestion of the neurotoxin.
Don’t give up on organic. Be mindful of how your food is processed. It is after all what you put in your body every day.