How to set the world on fire

set the world on fire

set the world on fire

(original post for Sungoddess Magazine 

We are all connected, moving to a similar pulse, hungry and thirsty for the same thing, wanting to feel that we matter.

This connection provides us with a network that when used to it’s fullest capacity can cause electric transformation and change. If you conceive of an idea born from guided inspiration that may be of great benefit to someone, chances are that that someone is waiting for your gift to be shared.

What we need to remember is that when we light a spark from heart led inspiration, it will ablaze. If you want to set this world on fire and be a positive, impactful force– you already have everything you need.

We were all given uniquely different talents to contribute to this life experience.

Do something you have never done before in a whole new way with the intention of feeding the world with the tools and gifts that only you have.

You may wonder, what is spirit inspired action?

A clue I can share is if you’ve been absent of any real passion, exuberant joy, or fulfillment then you likely have not been living life from a such a place. When you are making choices that are in alignment with your gifts, talents or that come from the heart AND you get an buzz doing them, it’s safe to say that you are in the right place.

When you operate from this awesome feeling with clarity, focus and determination that your spark catches fire and others want to drink your Kool Aide.

You know you are out of alignment with heart led inspiration when you:

•hate waking up in the morning to go to work
•feel unfulfilled
•know that you are holding back
•have an idea for a project, business, movement that you can’t let go of
•no one else knows how magnificent you really are
•are frustrated because you are not living the life that you dream of and are capable of living

Here’s what you can do about it:

•Celebrate your uniqueness
•Get in the habit of sharing what makes your soul sing
•When great things happen for you remember to pay it forward
•Choose and commit to making a life change that will make you feel magnetic
•Create an affirmation for yourself that keeps you on track. For example, “Each day I create an opportunity to enhance my life and the lives of others”
•Trust your Intuition!
•Live your life for yourself not for your parents, friends, siblings, etc.

It does not take a grand master plan to make an impact– just the ability to let go.

Allow your glorious spirit to lead you to the perfect way to express yourself.

It’s usually that thing that’s been shoved to the back of your mind; the idea that just won’t go away. When you move with meaningful action you are connected to the greater purpose and feeding a need. You know your spirit better than anyone else. If your soul is stirring you are in the right place.

Here’s to your spark!

Does your soul sing

What are you doing in life if not working, living and breathing your passion? 

MANY today have sacrificed what makes them happy for what they were told they were supposed to do.  So 1950’s!  Today, we live in a time where 9 year olds are CEOs of multimillion dollar companies, information is as close as a key stroke and the sky is the limit when it comes to innovation.

With so much possibility in the world, what are you waiting for? 

Passion denotes a compelling feeling, enthusiasm or desire for something.  Generated in the 2nd Chakra, it is where ideas go through gestation to be delivered into the world. 

Let’s see if we can get you closer to figuring out your passion:

  • What recurring ideas for projects keep coming to you? 
  • What activities or topics really excite you? 
  • What could you not live without? 
  • What is your ideal life? 
  • If money were not an issue, what would you do for a living? 
  • What makes you happy and fulfilled? 
  • What could you do for work that would really be like a hobby? 
  • What talents do you have that you enjoy?

When you are in alignment with what excites you, joy transforms the life you knew into a life full of fulfillment.  Stay focused on purpose and passion and you will find yourself living your way into a renewed life.